Soulful Sundays: Sunrise and Vision

Last week I got on a plane entirely too early. The beauty of it was that I got to catch the sunrise from above the clouds. I had a chance to experience my own little bit of heaven. Flying is always a magical experience for me. I hope that never changes.

The month of August will bring with it rapid changes, expected opportunities, unexpected blessings and a plethora of awesome. I hope you will be around to see it all. How do I know all of this? I have a new vision board filled with all the things that will be rolling on this blog and the interwebs at large as it relates to Mamihood. And some of those thoughts and visions came to me while staring at the hues of the sun and the cottony clouds that felt like they held my hugs.

We shall see where it leads. In the meantime, isn't this a great sunrise? I'd take credit for the picture but I am not the one who created it. I am merely the one who appreciates it.

Soulful Sunday: Experiencing the Sunrise Above the Clouds


Blogust 2015


Tech Me Thursday: Sili's Surface