Passing Down the Love With La Lechera

Disclosure: this is a sponsored post. All thoughts and lovely memories are purely my own.

You guys know I love food. Food was so central to my childhood. I still love a good lentil soup because it reminds me of cold winters in New York City. And nothing beats a cup of ginger tea that brings snow flurries to my mind.

Food, like a loving touch or a glimpse of divine power, has that ability to bring comfort." Norman Kolpas

These are some of the things we will be talking about on Wednesday at La Lechera Twitter Party. Because there's nothing that compares to passing down family traditions through desserts and food.

I've told you about the shenanigans with the turkey years back and how my dad had his feelings hurt when I took over the kitchen at Thanksgiving. That's part of our history in the kitchen. It was a painful way to pass the baton.

But after it was all said and done, he made me some of his AHMAZING rice pudding. It's his way of saying I'm sorry and though I sometimes still am mad at him, I'll certainly eat this delicious treat. Seriously, I wish I could package some up and send it to you.


Our traditions are built around the stove. Watching our elders cook while they tell stories. My dad is quiet, when he cooks, though but will answer any and all questions I might have. Except that I'm still trying to get the recipe for the goat he makes. That's in the works!

I hope you will join me on 10/21/15 at 8:00 p.m. ET (5 p.m. PT) and share how you pass down your family's traditions through food and desserts. Yes, there will be prizes!

And you know what else? The incomparable Pati Jinich will be on hand to chat with us about recipes and traditions. How cool is that?! Just hop on Twitter on Wednesday and follow #LaLechera hashtag!

I'm looking forward to hearing great stories and collecting new recipes to add to my own family's traditions.

See you on Twitter!

Twitter Party blogger Announce


Food and Fun In Orlando


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