Food and Fun In Orlando

Where can you find food and fun in Orlando? I will give you one hint: Disney. I'm terrible with hints, aren't I? Let's just get right to it because you want these details. It is October and while the rest of the country is knee deep in fall leaves, boot shopping and possibly scraping of windshields (unbelievable!), in Florida it means a few different things. Let me 'splain.

Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party

If you're reading this instead of getting your ticket, I don't know what to tell you. Maybe next year? Listen. To. Me. Now. You have like 3 days MAX remaining for this most awesomest, fantabulous Halloweeniest party ever. I'm going to tell you all right now (don't tell the Frog Princess) that every time I go to this party, I feel like I am done with Halloween. Like done. Because it can't be beat. Real Halloween cannot beat the Halloween Party. Let me just mention that it's the ONLY time of the year where adults are allowed to dress up. Check out the "If Princess Leia ever came to Disney with her kids, this is totally what she would rock" outfit.

Epcot® International Food & Wine Festival

My level of excitement about this festival is about a 13 on a scale of 1 - 5. Where do I begin? Oh yeah, the food! Let's list my favorite 3, 5, 7 dishes*:

Australia: Grilled sweet and spicy bush berry shrimp with pineapple, peppers, onions, and snap peas.


Brazil: Escondidinho de carne, “Little Hidden One”: layered meat pie with mashed yucca.

Dominican Republic: Pretty much, the entire menu because YASSSS!

  • Lechón asado: Roasted pork with mangú, pickled red onion and avocado
  • Soufflé de yuca: Yuca soufflé topped with griddled cheese
  • Pescado con coco: Seared grouper, pigeon peas and rice with coconut sauce
  • Caramel flan with rum-roasted pineapple

Souffle de Yuca with Grilled Cheese

Caramel Flan with Rum Roasted Pineapples

Farm Fresh Market: Loaded mac ‘n’ cheese with Nueske's® pepper bacon, cheddar cheese, peppers and green onions. Because who needs anything else for dinner?!

Loaded mac ‘n’ cheese

Patagonia: Roasted Verlasso salmon with quinoa salad and arugula chimichurri. Y'all, this salmon was everything I ever hoped a salmon would be. And the chimichurri sauce? Help me Geezus I need more!

Patagonia Salmo

Oh and let's talk about the Chew Lab. It has me trying to find liquid nitrogen on the internets so I can recreate this little number (but only in the middle of the night when I can't just drive over and grab some of these. I introduce you to liquid nitro chocolate almond truffle with warm whiskey caramel. Read it again, go ahead. I'll wait!

Liquid Nitro Chocolate-Almond Truffle

And the wine? I mean, if the food looks like this then, you know. Wine flights, beer flights, Mami flig...okay, you get the drift.

Epcot Food and Wine Festival

Oh wait! There's more! Eat to the Beat concerts left and right. Yes, baybee! You can get your groove on while getting your grub on. You're welcome!

I love that we have more time to hang out at Epcot so, give me a call when you're on your way there, mmmkay?! This is definitely a perfect Mami's Day Out.


MNSSHP_TMNT_Princess*These are my favorites because they have made it to my mouth prior to my stomach punking out on me and wanting no more food. I will keep adding to this list as long as I can try new things before I get full.

Disclosure: I attended a Media Preview for the Food and Wine Festival. That being said, I am also an annual passholder. Why you ask? Because I can't miss the awesome. All thoughts, opinions and return trips, are purely my own.


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