Traffic Safety With Chuggington {#ProtejeATusHijos}

This is part of a sponsored campaign with Latina Mom Bloggers and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. However, all opinions expressed are my own. The frog princess is growing. Like a lot. I'm not entirely sure if it's supposed to happen this fast! This summer we have had loads of fun conversations and I am always astounded at her level of knowledge of certain things. And also: at her penchant for safety. She make sure seat belts are buckled. That doors are closed so that the dog doesn't get into rooms while we're out. That phones are not left behind in the house. What can I say? That's my girl.

I love the idea of showing her and teaching her about safety with things that she might not immediately think about. Like on her bike or scooter. Or when we hop on a short ride on the bus at any of our theme parks. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) now has a site to help me do that in an age appropriate way. And I love the fact that it features my friends from Chuggington and their message "¡Piensa seguro, viaja seguro, mantente seguro!” (Think Safe, Ride Safe, Be Safe!). It's a fun and informative Spanish-language website for both you and your kids. 

Chuggington NHTSA final logo SPANISH V6

Chuggington_NHTSA_BadgeI was able to go through the site and have the girl make the pledge! What pledge, you ask? This one!

  • I pledge to always buckle up
  • I pledge to wear a helmet when I ride my bike
  • I pledge to only cross the street with an adult

We could also print a certificate and her safety badge. Woohoo! They also had activities to help reinforce the message.


After spending some time with the crayons (I may or may not have taken a moment to color. Don't judge me! It's therapeutic), she ran over to my desk to proudly show me her completed work. Of course, after she finished this one, I had to print out another for her as she apparently "didn't get the eyes right".

This means that she is now pointing out people that aren't wearing helmets while we are in the car but, that's an entirely different story. I also think that since she has the badge, she's totally able to do that.

Do you talk to your kids about traffic safety?


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