Saying Yes...

Some days, I dislike my best friend. Like, when she's sitting there pontificating. Granted, I asked for her opinion but still! How dare she! How dare she be all "let me challenge you"? MADAM! I need you to sit here and wallow in the sorrow with me. This is what I need. Shake your head and tell me you hear me! Don't be tryna elevate me! I lie.

I needed this chat. Needed Robi in my space. With her calm ass demeanor telling me that she wants me to write about one thing and one thing only for the next 3 months. This is what happens when I tell her I want to concentrate on writing. That the more I think about it the more I feel like this is all I want to be doing.


I explain my current situation, my thoughts and my need to simply write because that is what I love. I tell her that want to quit blogging because it feels like no one is reading my words.

"Pick a category" she says. And I fight her as hard as I can. With all of the excuses  I can muster fully understanding that she will get her way. I am hard headed AND a writer. I can come up with stuff! And I did. But I know it's in vain.

Because this is not only the year of Magic, it is also my year of yes. And I have to accept this challenge though I will not like it! I'm so stubborn, y'all.

By the end of the weekend, after we'd made our way back to Orlando from Hispanicize and have listened to Shonda's story thanks to Audible, I have it figured out. I think. It's my second time listening to the book.

I will write. About one thing. For one month for starters. Because I'm stubborn and feel like I need to have my way. So, one month for now.

As we round out the corner Robiaun asks "what will you be blogging about?".

"None of your business!" I say. Because I am petty and I do not want to do this and I am mad that she is getting her way and...did I mention I was petty? So I do not tell her.

I do not explain that if I am going to write about one topic I will write about me. I mean, someone did tell me that bloggers are narcissists, right?

I asked "why do you read my writings?" on my personal profile. But even before I asked, I knew that I'd be focusing on.

So, stay tuned. I will be talking about the road that led to this Mamihood. In the midst of it, I might bring you some sponsored posts but generally, it will be about me and the path I've taken that has led me to you!

I am saying yes to getting back to basics. Saying yes to what I love. I am saying yes to this blog all over again.


What say you? Are you going to follow along? If you haven't already, be sure to sign up so you get me in your inbox!

I'm saying yes to storytelling. What are you going to say yes to?


When It's Not The Perfect Fit


Spring At Kohl's En Familia