Mami's Magic: Capturing the Special Moments

I'm always at odds with myself as to what I should share with you all. You might not know this looking through my Facebook page or my Instagram feed. I've gotten the question about sharing/oversharing/etc. While I don't feel the need to explain my every action, I had some moments this past weekend that brought this thought of sharing to mind.

We finally got a chance to use our Magic Bands on the last day of the Flower and Garden Festival at Epcot. It was just the frog princess and I. On a day when we turn to each other and finish the sentences "What day is it? It's frog princess and Mami day. DuhDuhDuh!" (just like Clover said to Sofia. I couldn't make this cheesiness up, folks).


The worship service at Northland was perfection and the day was beautiful. We made our way to Epcot full of excitement (and packed with snacks).

We got a chance to hang out with Nemo and spent lots of time looking at fish.

Frog_Princess_Nemo Then, as we were about to head back to the countries, we encountered a butterfly garden that proved to be worth the entire trip. We got our own caterpillars on Saturday (they've been doing nothing but eating since then!) so this was especially cool for us to see.

The frog princess wanted to catch a butterfly. We stood by and waited for one of the experts to show her how. After she had a chance to hold a butterfly, we went around and tried to catch some of our own.


I love butterflies. Always feel like Mami sends me one just when I need it. Imagine my delight when I turned into the butterfly whisperer at Disney!


And it was special and beautiful and perfection. Just the two of us there. I snapped a bunch of shots because the butterfly (we named her Amber) refused to leave the girl. How could I not capture the moment?


It occurred to me then that I share in order to include those I love lest I burst with holding all of these awesome feelings on my own. My sister is in D.C. the (ex)man is not always with us, I have friends that love and delight in my motherly (and sometimes not-so-motherly) updates. I love sharing our love with them all. And with you.


I don't need to explain it or justify it. But on Sunday, the perfect moment was almost too perfect not to share. But if I hadn't had the opportunity to capture it, it wouldn't have lessened the feeling of that moment. And that's the key to creating my own special brand of Mami's Magic.

Here's hoping you have plenty of moments of perfection in the coming week.


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