Mami Reads: Lianne's Quick Guide

I don't know about you but, when I was pregnant I was reading everything I could get my hands on! From the famous How to Expect book to Dad's Pregnant Too (it's really funny, you should pick it up some time). Once the frog princess was here though, I moved to one of those week by week books that dished out tons of info. Well, I don't know about you but, I didn't make it very far. That time was a blur to me.  I remember having Betty Boop boobs, painful feedings and way too much serotonin to dislike any of what was going on. I was in love. I was basically high, people! Who had time to read?

Well, this is why I love Lianne's Quick Guide! It's such a simple little book (Lianne, why didn't I think of this?!). Set up in Q&A format, it's something I could've read while sitting on the toilet (sorry but you know that's probably the only quiet time you have after the birth of a baby).

Lianne Sample

It's one of those books that you can throw in a purse (or diaper bag) and always have handy wherever you might be. It gives you snippets of information as you need it.  It's not overwhelming (as most big books are to new mamis who can barely keep one eye open).

I totally love question #21: Is it possible to "spoil" my newborn by holding her too much? Didn't we all feel like people were pressuring us to put the kid down? Well, I'm here to tell you that you blink and that little baby girl that used to fit on your chest is about half your size! But, I digress.

I love gifting books and this little gem is going to find its way into a lot of new mami gift baskets.


Do you have a special book that you like to give to new mamis? You should check this one out! I think it's sure to make your list.

Disclosure: I was provided a copy of this book in order to review it. These opinions are my own.


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