Mami Moments: The Graduating Class of 2015

I'm having moments, good people! My girl graduated from pre-k this weekend and I'm not entirely sure what has been happening. Why is she growing up so fast? Where does she get this sass from (I think her dad)? Exactly at what point is my heart going to stop growing so much from loving her? Why do people still tell me she looks just like her daddy (I have eyes, folks!)? I HAZ questions! But more than that, I have love. I am proud to say I did not cry at graduation. I'm sure it's because I was busy with the tripod attempting to take pics of all my babies graduating (because us moms like to steal other people's children and claim them as our own). I tried to ignore the words spoken by the director about this being the first milestone of many. I tried to turn a blind eye to the butterflies I saw that morning (typically bringing Mami into mind). I focused on "getting the shot".

But, I've had subsequent sweaty eyeballs ever since. Because this child of mine is growing and I am intent on not missing out on the small things in life. Like hugs, and quiet moments, and childhood wonder.

Mami & the Frog Princess

Stay tuned for an awesome way to share graduation moments later on this week. Trust me, it's going to be amazeballs! Sign up to get the weekly bit of wonderful recap so you won't miss out!


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