Hunger, Helping & Hope: The 'Hood Helps the Nation!
I've never been hungry. My parents were working folks that sometimes scraped by. But we were never hungry. It's because of Papi. He'd experience hunger as a child and so our house sometimes had an abundance of food. The man pisses me off regularly with his cooking portions. But, there was always enough food to feed one or two extra mouths. And feed them he did.
One day he sat down and with tears in his eyes told us how he finds it impossible to even hear about anyone being hungry because it takes him back to those hard days he sometimes had.
So when I heard of Jill's project over at Scary Mommy a few years ago, I jumped in to help even though I'd just lost my job. As much as I've stressed about money y'all, I have been beyond blessed in always being able to buy food and put it on the table.
This mother's heart cannot take the thought of a child experiencing hunger like my dad did. Or a Mami sitting around helpless.
I don't have much, you guys. But I want to share what I do have.
To date, more than 4,500 families have benefited from the Thanksgiving Project. Last year alone, they received 2,765 applications and were able to fulfill each and every one.
I want to help. And I want you to help too. I know sometimes money is tighter than we'd like people to know but if we all chip in we can help. How? Well, $50 will feed a whole family but if you can't do $50 then you can do whatever you can and partner with another person that can give whatever they can. Get it?
Tomorrow is the last day and there are still 167 families that need you!
Scary Mommy Nation is awesome! But I also know this Mamihood is pretty great. Will you help?
If you can't donate (and trust me, I understand), will you consider donating a comment? I am going to make a pledge here. I will give $1 for every comment left on this post if the comment is made by tomorrow night at 11:30 p.m. up to $100. I wish I could pledge more but I'm doing what I can.
Will you join me in helping a family not be hungry on Thanksgiving? More importantly, will you help me hand out a little hope?
UPDATE: My blonde bombshell, Natalie from Mommy of a Monster and Twins said she would match the $100! So what's stopping you?
Also, I totally forgot to tell you that if you buy a copy of Scary Mommy’s Guide to Surviving The Holidays a portion of that sale also goes to this project. So...what are you waiting for?!