How to Make a Sock Princess In 1 Easy Step


It's hard for me to grasp this young girl that runs to me for hugs in the morning before starting our days. It is difficult to fathom that she was once a tadpole in my belly who grew to doing dance routines at night while I read to her in my womb.

As a mother, there's a level of gratitude that hits day in and day out. Especially with everything happening in the world. Especially when you're raising a little Black girl.


The Frog Princess is such a joy, though! And that brings me to the purpose of my post.

Last spring, she started complaining about short socks but I couldn't find a ton of knee socks and it was toward the end of the school year so I made a note for when we went back to school shopping.

Sure enough, socks came back up again. This time, I was ready. I jumped on Amazon and voila! Knee sock heaven, people!

I originally was only looking for gray, yellow and teal to match her uniform. But when I saw the rainbow socks, I was hooked (because rainbow is her favorite color. What can I say, she's a true artist!). 

What began as me wanting to find knee socks for my uniformed child has quickly turned into something else. By the 3rd day of the socks she asked if I could take a picture of her socks every day.

In the first week, she started being called the Sock Princess instead of the Frog Princess.

It is now October and I've had more than one package of socks in my mailbox thanks to what I like to call sock sponsors (because socks ain't cheap!).

Over the summer, she and I discussed her desire to do videos. She told me she's not a fan of livestreaming. I know for a fact that she will ham it up on regular videos, though.

So began the back and forth on socks. And posting and the people damn dear demanding to see pics of her socks. When I moved and traveled, I had folks giving me the side eye because I paused on the shares. Really, people?! 

The popularity of the Sock Princess has brought me to this point. The point in which her socks make it off my Instagram and onto her own space. I hear that these pics brighten people's day and what folks might not know is that this has been her specialty all along. Ever since she was a tadpole in my womb. She is light and sunshine and sweet hugs and smiley kisses. She is my Frog Princess and by virtue of her light, she's become your Sock Princess.

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Follow her on Instagram and Twitter. We will be using this platform to showcase her artwork and I'm planning on using this as a way to teach her to type and to get in some reading and writing time. I'll keep you posted on how that works.

In the meantime, enjoy the socks and message me if you want to send some! We need more sock sponsors (I'm looking at you, Target!).


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