Grateful for Traditions & Memories


Disclosure: I am a #TalkEarly ambassador. All thoughts, opinions and sweaty eyeballs are purely my own. Christmas is hard, y'all. It was Mami's favorite time of the year. I try to honor her by running out to stores and overspending on holiday decor to my heart's content. I keed! I keed!

But I totally wanna do that. Right now I have a small display in the front of the house and some cute lights. I'd totally take more pictures for you but the way my coldness is set up, it's been down in the 30's at night here in Florida and I don't much feel like doing anything past burying myself in comforters. Don't judge me!

Enniweighs...Christmas. I don't think you have ever seen a holiday so hype than the times we had when I lived in New York. Of the 8 apartments on my floor, 3 of us were family/friends. So much of my childhood, I spent running over to my play cousin's house. 

Look at us! We are fabulous! Also, let the record show that this was a last minute shot and I was NOT seen outside with opened toed shoes and socks (I JUST DIED A LITTLE FOLKS!)l. Side note: are those kitten heels?! 

But, I digress. Christmas eve was LITTY! You hear me?! The party would kick off early and it was the only night the kids were allowed to stay up past midnight. This was important because we would get to open gifts at midnight and between the dancing, the eating and the playing, these were times to remember.

I don't think I'll ever be able to live up to those parties. I imagine that those parties were a ton of work and sometimes, filled with drama. I'm kinda glad I don't remember all the details and that I don't have to carry the weight of that expectation moving forward. So, we create traditions that make sense for us now. Build on moments that remind us of what's important. Each other. The little things that bring us joy (I just spent 5 minutes tickling my girl while she attempted to NOT laugh. I'll carry that laughter in my heart for years to come).

These days, the joy comes in waves but I am grateful for those moments and I hope that I am making new memories for myself and the Frog Princess. 

Something else I'm grateful for? You, dear reader. I live in my head most of the time and this blog has allowed me to talk about certain things I probably wouldn't talk about and share things that maybe I wouldn't have shared otherwise.

This year I've had the privilege of being a #TalkEarly ambassador and that has been sort of a full circle thing for me. My dad is an alcoholic and for a long time, I was afraid I'd just wake up one day and be one too. I've attended summits and had the chance to speak to experts, read up on research and really create something new in my family. I don't really remember being educated about alcohol as a child. The #TalkEarly program has helped me with the language and the opportunity to share a new conversation with the Frog Princess. I'm hopeful that you've weaned something along the way as well.

My hope in sharing my truths is always that you can connect with it somehow. For this topic especially because some of my memories are not so merry and bright.

So, cheers to you and your family. From the comfort of my home to the warmth of yours.



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