Faces of Affordable Care: Yvonne (#Blog4Health)
Last month I wrote about getting covered and being able to take care of a few health concerns of mine as the new year begins.
Today, I want to introduce you to Yvonne who had concerns above and beyond mine. You see, she has multiple sclerosis and fibromyalgia.
Yvonne is an author and a student. Her husband is still waiting to be officially diagnosed as disabled as well. Having one person  with an illness is bad enough but two is overwhelming, to say the least. Especially when you think about the financial strain and the previous issues with insurance companies and pre-existing conditions.
Here's what Yvonne says in her own words:
I am 45. I am an author and a student. I live in Boston, MA. Before the ACA I had Medicare and we had to pay for a State insurance plan for my husband (for about $100/month). Our new plan (for him, which is MUCH better than the one we had last year) is only $12/month. We live on my disability. My husband is disabled too but he needs to be officially diagnosed before he can get anything. He can now see a decent physician to get diagnosed and then hopefully we can stop living in poverty because God knows disability just barely pays the bills. We will be saving close to $90/month for this. I guess that my advice is to use the web page and, if needed, get help from your local legislative office.
You can learn more about Yvonne's book It's Not As Bad As It Sounds: My Life With MS and Fibro on her Facebook Fan Page or check it out on Amazon*.
This is part of the MomsRising.org blog carnival #Blog4Health. For more information please go to healthcare.gov. If you would like to share your story with us please go to http://www.momsrising.org/member_stories/submit.