Baby Swagger (or, how I rock the baby)

Well, she's done it again! Shell over at Things I Can't Say has got me looking through pictures and down memory lane!  This time, it's of the frog princess (outside of my body as opposed to when I Rocked The Bump).

First, this reminded me that I haven't finished the photobook I started (thanks, Shell!).  But most importantly, I look at this little itty bitty girl and wonder where she went and how is it possible for time to be flying by when I just want a little more time to savor the miracle.  After the day I had, looking through these images brought me warmth and comfort. They also make me want to wake up the frog princess so I can hug her and tell her how much I love her (on second thought, I'll do that in the morning!).

If a picture is worth a thousand words then I have a vast fortune in the lexicon of love!




No Sleep? No Sweat!


Do You Have a Theme Song?